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Save Time. Save Money.

Our easy-to-use interface makes locating and moving inventory a snap. Managers have full control over what assignments are sent out, as well as access to productivity reports for the day, week, or month! Don’t forget about our integrated lot report too, any problems can be documented and sent directly to management.

On a dealership lot, a picture can be worth a lot more than a thousand words. In almost every instance, Lot Metrix helps dealers establish whether or not vehicle damage occurred on or off the premises and can track what employee may have been involved and at what time! Protect your dealership today.

How Can I Use Lot Metrix?

Benefits For The Entire Dealership


Increasing the production in your service department has a direct tie to revenue. Our goal, is to move inventory more efficiently through service bays as well as reducing lag time between jobs. With our system, writers can communicate directly with drivers and managers can create a complete assignment list for the day.


There’s nothing more embarrassing for a salesperson than wasting a customers time having to search for the RV that they want to purchase. Give your staff the tools to put a customers dream RV on the screen in 10 seconds or less! Vehicle details are now at your fingertips for both salesperson & customer, don’t let time kill another deal.


Do you store customer units anywhere on your property? If you do, we don’t need to tell you the importance of minimizing your liability. With our photo library you can now track in what condition the unit arrived, as well as what condition it’s in before it leaves. Never spend unnecessary money on repairs again.

Ready To Save Thousands Each Month? Call 407.358.2000 or Click to Get Started!
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